November 28, 2010


I write this post for two reasons. The first one being that I totally saw Uruguayans being represented in the USA Bid video for the FIFA 2022 World Cup at 0:55 in the video. Whaaaat?!?!?! And the other reason being that I think you should sign the petition and bring the World Cup to the US in 2022. You down?


P.S. Watching that video made me really homesick.

November 22, 2010

Did you know...?

With summer fast approaching as we reach the high 70s... Did you know that Uruguay is reasonably close to the hole in the ozone? This is because there is less ozone not only in the "hole" of the ozone but around it as well. So, this makes the sun more dangerous in that one's skin is taking up much more UV rays which can be very harmful in the short and long haul. But, Casey, isn't that hole over Antartica (and never near me)? Why, yes it is. And Uruguay is not too far from Antartica really. Check out this picture. In the top right you can barely make out Uruguay.

So, wear your sunscreen! I just provided you scientific proof for why you should.

(Yeah, I'm not going to wear any either).

November 20, 2010

Restaurant Etiquette and Whatnot

I hardly eat out anymore, but when I do it reminds that dining in Montevideo keeps you on your toes and definitely offers a different experience than what you're used to. By the way I wrote this one on the fly with no editing so if you think of something else I missed, let me know, eh?

1) Less embarrassing walk outs. Just about every restaurant has their menu located by the door on the window or on a stand. This is useful because instead of walking into a restaurant then walking out while your covering your face because you're not satisfied with their meal choices doesn't have to be such a big ordeal. You stand outside for a few minutes (or seconds) flipping through the menu then you decide in peace whether to walk in or walk away.

2) Remember your waiter's face.. Or waitress. As a rule of thumb, I assume the waiter/
waitress isn't going give me the time of day unless I wave him or her down and possibly spit out what I need as he/she rushes by and probably tries to pretend they don't hear me. I'm not saying 100% of waiters do this but maybe a good 70%. Then again I also try to eat at the cheapest restaurants possible so maybe that's my bad. Anyways, they don't come up to your table every 15 minutes to see how things are going which is actually kind of cool since you don't usually have to speak through a mouthful of chivito and say that everything's just great. You do, however, need to remember their face in case you need to ask for the menu, get drinks, place your food, ask for condiments and napkins, refills, and the check.

3) Abysmal napkins. Something this experience has taught me is how to make do with less. Like napkins. The ones here seem to be made from the smallest amount of material possible making them both thin and tiny. I remember the looks on our faces when Kelsey, Hayley and me first discovered them. "These are napkins?" we thought. Yes, sirree bob, they are. It takes some getting used to but now I know to hold down the container with one hand and just take a handful and lick your fingers when you inevitably run out of napkins two bits into your meal.

4) Drinks. The thing about drinks is that they usually come in a liter or 500cc. Look at the menu and make sure before you order so you're getting what you want. Also, if you want water specify if you want it with or without carbonation (con gas or sin gas). Also, a lot of people order beer all day long whether its Pilsen, Patria or that one in a green bottle that starts with a 'z'. So, no problem if you want a beer or even wine. Gotta bring your own maté though but I've seen it being sold just for tourists to try. And no free refills.

5) Asado. And you thought asado was only an outdoor activity while being surrounded by friends. A lot of places have nice big grills for asado and can fix you up a nice plate of various meats like a mini asado. Depending on the restaurant it might be doing to for just one person if you come hungry but a lot of people, a.k.a. foreigners who can't handle it, end up splitting it with at least one other person.

6) Cubiertos. You gotta watch out for these little suckers. In Colonia the signs outside the restaurants typically let you know about these cover charges that are fees to just eat in their restaurants, but in MVD I've never seen such signs. I also never get charged them unless I go into a fancy enough restaurant like in el Mercado del Puerto (Port Market) in Ciudad Vieja. I usually don't notice until the bill comes and by then its way too late. They aren't too bad though. I went to the Gold Club (yeah, I got friends like that) and the charge was about $28 pesos uruguayos which is about $1.50 if I'm not mistaken.

7) Propina. Typically people give 10% for tip and this is a good percentage for just about any service. I usually tip a little over though out of consciousness that 10% isn't really much and I almost feel like I'm taken advantage of them. Plus the waiters/ waitresses usually do a great job.

8) Rectangular Pizza. Yup, pizza comes in a rectangle here. I've gotten it as a circle ONCE and it was tiny. I think it was called a pizzetta. Whichever one is smaller. A uruguayan once told me she'd only see circle pizzas on American t.v. shows. Haha! It was like we were the ones with funny shaped pizzas.

Well, now you know how to dine in Uruguay. Also, keep in mind that the more touristy the place the more expensive it is like with anywhere else. Splurging on the Port Market is worth it though. And if you want to get away from the high prices try further down 18 de Julio and especially on its side streets. But be careful of course.

P.S. By the way in exactly 30 days i will land I will be sleeping in my very own bed. I'm so excited!

November 9, 2010

Rock + Candombe

I finally got to witness the alternative sub-culture in Uruguay. And it was wonderful.

A friend, Sonja, and I were walking back from dinner in Ciudad Vieja via 18 de Julio this past weekend and we happened upon a free mini rock concert in the park where "dieciocho" and Tristan Narvanja connect.. We sat ourselves down near the front and watched as the drunk, high, energy-filled crowd grew crazier and crazier with each song. By the last two numbers I had been stepped on twice and Sonja got wine spilled on her. Can't have a rock show without some casualties. Unfortunately, there was no screaming (my favorite), but seeing a mosh pit more than made up for it. (I must learn this word in Spanish.) By the time we left all kinds of beer and wine bottles were smashed on the ground and I had my fix of head-banging. Must experience more of this.

And Sunday I went with Analía and Andrea to watch candombe, a type of music born in Uruguay that involves lots of drums. It wasn't really what I was expecting, but what I got wasn't a let down either. The group turned out to be uniquely all women and they walked? Shuffled is the more appropriate term. But while they were playing they actually moved down three blocks. I was not expecting that. Uruguay is just shocking me lately. First with Halloween, then I discovered dulce de leche in banana split ice cream is da bomb, and now I find out that the groups of candombe move about in the neighborhood in which they originate? Blow my mind, Uruguay.

Last but not least I drank two mates while waiting for the drumming to start. Faces were made as I drank them, but I tried. I wish so badly that I liked the stuff so I could be just a tad bit more uruguayan, but my taste buds aren't having it. It needs sugar! But I won't say that to the uruguayans anymore who exclaim to me, "¡Pero es una bebida amarga! (But its suppose to be a bitter drink!). Bleh, I say.

I just tried downloading a video of the candombe, but it didn't work. Probably for the best as it wasn't great quality in the first place. So, here as some pictures from that night and unfortunately no pictures of the concert.

The flag

The drums

Casey drinking mate?!

November 7, 2010


Halloween as the uruguayans say it (emphasizes on the 'hall' and not the 'ween') actually happened here in Uruguay. I was shocked that they celebrated this holiday especially since I did a presentation about holidays that are more American than anything focusing on Independence Day, Halloween, and Thanksgiving where not one person told me that Halloween was actually celebrated here. So, imagine my shock when I walk into Ta Ta (I'm really trying to stop shopping there) and see a whole aisle dedicated to Halloween costumes and decorations.

It made me really excited though because if Halloween is celebrated then that means I didn't get to miss out on dressing up. Win! So, on Saturday I went to Tres Cruces (aka Ta Ta) to find a costume, walked the entire length of 18 de Julio, then took a bus back to Tres Cruces. I didn't need to go to Ta Ta the last time because I walked into at least two Ta Ta's on 18 de Julio... I really am trying. Never said I was succeeding though.

So, I managed to get my costume together, one could only guess my costume by the red witch's hat, and later that night I headed to a party hosted by P¡nk in some abandoned building along Artigas. I don't know. I keep trying to explain it and it just sounds like a bunch of kids met up in an abandoned building and did shady things. I promise it was an organized event with a real life flyer and everything. Still not sure exactly where it was though.

We danced to electronic music, took pictures in a photo booth, and stood around and talked when the music and light set-up blew the power out. It was fun and definitely way more than I thought I would have been doing for Halloween this year. Thanks, Carolina, for inviting me last minute. :D

But, yes, Halloween is celebrated here and it gets bigger and bigger each year apparently. The kids go treat-or-treating to a few houses and the grown-ups have a previa and go out partying. It depends on the party if you have to dress up or not. Now you know.

p.s. As of Nov. 7th, Uruguay is now 3 hours ahead of the east coast of the US. I say this because every single clock on my laptop has the wrong time and I know I'm not the only one. Even my email is affected so I never know if someone just sent me an email or sent it to me an hour ago. I'm working on a logarithm to figure this one out....