I made a funny in class yesterday. Accidentally, of course, but the whole class laughed and even the teacher. We were doing roll call and, being an international student, my name wasn´t on the attendance sheet. So, when the teacher asked for whoever they didn´t call I had to raise my hand. After about eight people with Spanish names, she calls on me and I´m thinking ´Oh, boy, my name is going to stand out´. And it did. After hearing my name, everyone laughed and then I had to spell my it. I thought I would recover here and not sound so like international student when I knew how to spell my name. I even asked Rachel how to say the letters ´A´ and ´E´ because they sound so much alike that I mix them up sometimes. I so had it until I realized that I spelled my first name first when I was suppose to do my last name first. I guess I was nervous. Then the whole class laughed again and I had to actually speak to the teacher, so it became very clear that I am indeed an international student who can´t speak Spanish when she´s flustered. I loved it though. It was a nice icebreaker and you have to learn to laugh at yourself in those situations.
Also, I forgot to mention in my last post that Hayley, Kelsey, and I went to the
beach earlier this week. We went late, so it wouldn´t be so hot and only stayed for a little while, but it was fun. I liked it a lot because it was fun to see all the people and it was way more relaxing than I though it would be. By the way, I know I haven´t posted any pictures but as soon as I get my laptop (Bestbuy STILL has it) I will go back and put up pictures of everything and post a link of whatever website I will use for photos on here.
On culture: I love trying to ride the bus in Montevideo. If you try to ride them like you do in the states you will never be able to get off. What I mean is you have to stand right at the door to show that you want to get off. There is no string to pull so you have to literally walk up to the door bus while it´s still in motion and stand there as the bus continues to turn and stop and whatever until you get to your stop. The closer to the door you are the better. To hail a bus you need to stick your hand out like you would for a taxi because if no one is getting off and no one hails the bus then it will not stop.
La Semana Santa is coming up and we´re in the midst of making plans! We´re thinking of going to Punta del Este (a great tourist beach area) the weekend before then heading to Brazil afterwards. We met some people in a hostel that will let us stay with them while we´re on our way to Río de Janiero. I´m so excited about this trip. Getting to see this place so soon after arriving is awesome. I just hope we can find an inexpensive way to do it since I have to make my money stretch for the rest of the year.
And last but not least, I finally found an apartment! I keep making corny jokes about it like when I take the keys out to open the door I´m like "Let me pull out MY keys to MY apartment." I´m a nerd, but it´s my first apartment ever, so I´m allowed to be a little over excited.
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